DIY Pest Control vs. Professional Extermination: What You Need to Know

Dealing with a pest infestation is something no homeowner wants to face. Whether it's ants in the kitchen, mice in the walls, or bed bugs in the bedroom, pests can be a serious nuisance and a threat to your home and family's health. When it comes to pest control, you have two main options: doing it yourself or hiring a professional exterminator. Both have their pros and cons, so it's important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision. In this article, we'll explore the differences between DIY pest control and professional extermination to help you make an informed choice.

Steves WildLife

DIY Pest Control

Pros of DIY Pest Control

  • Cost-effective: Doing pest control yourself can save you money on professional fees.
  • Convenience: You can tackle the problem on your own schedule without waiting for an appointment.
  • Control: You have direct control over the products used and the methods employed.
  • Educational: DIY pest control can help you learn more about the pests in your home and how to prevent future infestations.

Cons of DIY Pest Control

  • Limited effectiveness: DIY methods may not always completely eradicate the pest problem.
  • Time-consuming: It can take time and effort to research, purchase, and apply the necessary products.
  • Risk of exposure: Handling pesticides and chemicals without proper knowledge can be hazardous to your health.
  • No guarantee: If the infestation persists, you may end up needing to hire a professional anyway.

Professional Extermination

Pros of Professional Extermination

  • Expertise: Professional exterminators have the training and experience to effectively deal with all types of pests.
  • Efficiency: Professionals can quickly identify and address the root cause of the infestation.
  • Safety: Exterminators are trained to handle chemicals and pesticides safely to protect your family and pets.
  • Guarantee: Many professional pest control companies offer warranties or guarantees for their services.

Cons of Professional Extermination

  • Cost: Professional pest control services can be more expensive than DIY methods.
  • Dependence: You'll need to rely on the exterminator's schedule for appointments and treatments.
  • Lack of control: You may not have much input into the products and methods used by the exterminator.
  • Overkill: In some cases, professional exterminators may use more chemicals than necessary, posing a risk to the environment.

When to DIY and When to Call a Professional

So, when should you tackle a pest problem on your own, and when should you call in the professionals? Here are some guidelines to help you decide:

DIY Pest Control is Suitable When:

  • The infestation is minor and easily manageable.
  • You have experience and knowledge of the pests you're dealing with.
  • You're comfortable using pesticides and chemicals safely.
  • You're on a tight budget and willing to put in the time and effort.

Professional Extermination is Recommended When:

  • The infestation is severe or widespread.
  • You're unsure of the type of pest or how to effectively treat it.
  • You have young children, elderly family members, or pets in the home.
  • You've tried DIY methods without success or the problem keeps recurring.


Ultimately, the decision between DIY pest control and professional extermination will depend on your specific situation and preferences. Both options have their pros and cons, so it's important to carefully consider factors such as cost, effectiveness, safety, and convenience before making a choice. In some cases, a combination of both DIY and professional services may be the best approach to effectively eliminate pests from your home and prevent future infestations. Remember, the most important thing is to address the problem promptly and thoroughly to protect your home and family from the dangers of pest infestations.